That's So Ron!!!

Sunday, December 09, 2007

The Little Kid in me...

When you were young, you always thought, 'If only I can grow up and be big!'. Argh... such innocence. How wrong we were to think of that. Being in an adult world isn't so fun. We human have very complex minds. One man's meat is another man's poison.

You know... somehow I wonder if I'm ever ready for this adult world. I'm freaking 22 and I feel like 12. Hahaha. So weird man. I mean, the other day I was just walking around Bugis the other day and I was so amazed by all the cute toys that some of these shops were selling. Sometimes, I can talk to my friend about serious stuff and then Mickey Mouse comes to the rescue and distract me from it all. I was looking for a gift for my friend and I ended up playing with the bears at Precious Thots.

And I was just telling my other friends how badly I wanna go to Disneyland after watching "Enchanted". The movie was really nice... fairytale dreams in a modern world. If only it was so true. If you've ever been to Disneyland... you would never be sad. It's such a happy place. I feel so good going there. It's like all the cash you spend on the bloody ticket is worth it all. Just seeing happy kids being entertained by cast members and Mickey Mouse posing outside Fantasy Land is amazing. Truly amazing.

I know people who manipulate their way to get what they want. I know people who are out there to cheat me (and other people). And I know people who would play with my feelings. And sometimes, I am either oblivious to this or maybe too naive to even realise that people can be so evil. Why do people want to make their lives *so* difficult? Is it hard to just live in peace and harmony sometimes?

I know this world is complicated. And I know it would be impossible to change it. Some of you might even think that I'm deluding myself into disbelief and that I need to wake up my idea (oh my God, so army!). But... sometimes, I really think that we all need a break and just think about how life needn't be so harsh, so tough.

Sometimes, I see kids playing around and all their innocent smiles and little cute actions that they make. The things that they do, the way they innocently say something silly but cute... oh gosh! Life may be so much better if we were like them. Free from worries, free from anxiety, free from pain...

Ai yah... if only life was so simple . Better get to sleep... I've got adult things to settle tomorrow. :P


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