That's So Ron!!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Feedback... Feedback [Ooohhh]

ARGH!!!  Stupid Kenny!  Hahhaha this Janet Jackson song is getting in my head!!!

I went out with my friend, Kenny, just to hang out.  This is day 2 of the long weekend that I am having.  It's fine... just that I don't know why I'm getting so jaded.  I used to be able to go out so much more often. Maybe work had taken a toll on me (or I let work affect me too much, I don't know).

Anyway that is not gonna affect my mood!  On Good Friday, James, Susan and I went to VivoCity (my fav. shopping centre) and hang out.  It was great, just the 3 of us talking about life, silly nonsense and getting scared over "Rule No 1" (which Susan and I agreed in the end that it wasn't so scary, after all)!  Hahaha I always get scared watching all these show, cos I have the tendency of screaming (maybe even louder than the girls!)  So pai seh leh.  You know, I haven't even left for my HK trip and we are talking about Star Cruise.  Hahaha :P what the hell....

Yesterday, I met Kenny for the 1st time and just hang out around City Hall with him.  I think he thinks that I'm lame, crazy and have a big appetite!  Hahaha and we walked around City Hall area.

Now... for the reason why!  We were at HMV Citylink and he was telling me about Janet Jackson's new album.  And I was like, "Nice meh... her last 2 albums not that good"

"It's good... just listen"

"Oh... okay loh"

So I did... and I was addicted to "Feedback".  Very addictive song.  It's the kinda music that you can hear in all disco/dance clubs all around the world.  I mean, you know... Janet's known for that kinda music.  It's groovy man!

And Kenny let me listen to the remix version of it.  Wah even better!  And I was singing it over and over again.  The scary thing?  I was linking EVERY sentence to the word 'Feedback'.  Here are a few scenarios:

Kenny: "You know those clothes are so ugly"
Ron: "Then you didn't FEEDBACK, FEEDBACK..."

Kenny: "Why don't they have shorter shorts..."
Ron: "Then you didn't FEEDBACK, FEEDBACK..."

Kenny: "This is an invitation-only event and there are ah peks and aunties going in..."
Ron: "Yeah... so weird...


"then we should FEEDBACK, FEEDBACK..."


Ultimatum.  Anyway, there was some fashion event at Marina Square.  The main event (where ppl can to sit up close) is invitation-onlyI really wonder how they select the people....










I begin to wonder...

Let me end off with something funny


It's a room next to the toilet.  After so many years, I still don't know what this freaking room is all about!!!


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